If you want to grow your business, learning is an important skill to possess. A lot of business owners think they have it all figured out. They don’t need help. No one should tell them to run their business. I would disagree. At Revive Washing, we don’t have it figured out. We are learning and improving every day. I think you can short cut your way to success by learning from those who have went before you.
There are multiple avenues you can learn from to grown and improve your business. Throughout my journey growing Revive Washing, I have learned from a number of sources. I have 4-5 friends who also own home service businesses providing service in power washing, painting, landscaping, window cleaning, and selling homes. Talking on the phone each week with these friends about our wins and challenges has helped form a community for me to learn from as well as contribute to.
Time is much more valuable than money. I think the best way to grow your business is to learn from someone who has done what you want to do and learn from them. This sounds like overly simple advice, but I would still stand behind it.
Mentor Myth
I hear people say, “I need to find a mentor.” I personally find the term “mentor” a bit of a heavy term, that in my mind requires a heavy investment of time. Without having a title, I would suggest seeking out people in your space who inspire you and to just connect with them and see what they are up to. People want to help and share their expertise. We’re all human and we’re all looking to connect.
Windshield University
When you are growing a home service business, you spend a lot of time in your car driving. This is a lot of time behind the windshield and is a great time to educate yourself to learn and grow.
One of my favourite quotes is from Charlie Jones, “You’ll be the same person in 5 years except for the books you and read and the people you meet.” My learning over the last 3 years growing Revive Washing has come from just that. When I’m driving by myself, if I’m not on the phone, I am listening to a book on Audible or a podcast of something I am interested in.
A few of my favourite books I have learned from on my business journey include:
- The E Myth – Michael Gerber
- The Automatic Customer – John Warrillow
- Essentialism – Greg Mckeown
Books are an investment. For $20.00, you can learn from an expert in a field.
While you grow your business, I would encourage you to learn from audio books as you drive, and to connect with other people in your industry that you can learn from.
Thanks for reading!

Dave Moerman